come\ over

come\ over
1. II
come over at some time we have friends coming over this evening к вам сегодня придут друзья
come over to do smth. come over to see smb. приходить повидаться с кем-л.
3. XV
come over to some state I came over cold (queer, nasty, etc.) мне стало холодно и т. д.; I came over feverish меня бросило в жар; he came over all funny ему стало как-то не по себе
4. XVI
1) come over to some place come over to England (to our country, to his home town for the summer, to London for the summer school, etc.) приехать в Англию и т. д., come over with smb. he came over with us он приехал [сюда] с нами; their family came over with William the Conqueror их род поселился в Англии во времена Вильгельма Завоевателя
2) come over to smth. come over to their side (to the side of the enemy, to smb.'s opinion, etc.) перейти на их сторону и т. д.

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "come\ over" в других словарях:

  • come over — {v.} To take control of; cause sudden strong feeling in; happen to. * /A sudden fit of anger came over him./ * /A great tenderness came over her./ * /What has come over him?/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come over — {v.} To take control of; cause sudden strong feeling in; happen to. * /A sudden fit of anger came over him./ * /A great tenderness came over her./ * /What has come over him?/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come over to — ˌcome ˈover to [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they come over to he/she/it comes over to present participle coming over to past tense came over to …   Useful english dictionary

  • come over — ► come over 1) (of a feeling) begin to affect. 2) Brit. informal suddenly start to feel a specified way. Main Entry: ↑come …   English terms dictionary

  • come over — (someone) to change or influence someone s behavior. No one knows what came over Bill, but he stopped smoking …   New idioms dictionary

  • come over — phrasal verb Word forms come over : present tense I/you/we/they come over he/she/it comes over present participle coming over past tense came over past participle come over 1) come over someone [transitive] if a feeling comes over you, it… …   English dictionary

  • come over — v. 1) (D; intr.) to come over to ( to approach ) (she came over to our table) 2) (D; intr.) ( to come ) to come over with (their ancestors came over with the Pilgrims) 3) (BE) (s) ( to begin to feel ) to come over faint; nervous * * * [ kʌm əʊvə] …   Combinatory dictionary

  • come over to — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms come over to : present tense I/you/we/they come over to he/she/it comes over to present participle coming over to past tense came over to past participle come over to come over to someone/something to change… …   English dictionary

  • come over — 1) PHRASAL VERB: no passive If a feeling or desire comes over you, especially a strange or surprising one, it affects you strongly. [V P n] As I entered the corridor which led to my room that eerie feeling came over me... [V P n] I m sorry, I don …   English dictionary

  • come over — I. phrasal to seize suddenly and strangely < what s come over you > II. intransitive verb Date: 1576 1. a. to change from one side (as of a controversy) to the other b. to visit casually ; drop in < come over …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • come over — phr verb Come over is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑feeling, ↑nausea, ↑sensation, ↑silence, ↑smile, ↑waiter, waitress Come over is used with these nouns as the object: ↑see …   Collocations dictionary

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